Connecting Business
In One Place

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Enterprise Resource Planning Software

For Startup, Small, and

Mid-Sized Businesses

Build, Retain, and Grow

There are so many features to help your company grow!

Here at Bamboo Techonologies we provide your company with Enterprise Solutions that will grow right along with you! Here are some features:


Bookkeeping made easy.


Simplify and optimize sales and retain more customers all in one place.


Its all here! Production management, Inventory, tracking and analysis all made easy.

HR & Payroll

Makes recruiting, managing employees and payroll a snap.

Much More

And it is all in one place!

Install in just 10 days.

Run your business

for the next 25 years!

What Can Bamboo Technologies Do For Your Company?

When bamboo comes to mind, you are probably thinking of its rapid growth, agility and strength. It has many diverse uses. When it is young, it can be consumed as a food and even shaped into amazing plant sculptures. When mature, it is strong enough to be used for scaffolding to build large buildings. Bamboo solves many of the world's needs and sustainability problems.

Just like the bamboo plant, Bamboo Technologies provides enterprise software removing the costly pain of future migrations. We offer an entire suite of applications and services. We focus on the pains you will experience as you grow now. As well, we provide a ERP as a "no-code" and "low-code" solution to help your business before your company demands exceed your integrated software needs.

Built on the

Number 1

Downloaded ERP in the world

Just Getting Started?


This is the right time for your company to use ERP! 


Specifically designed to grow with Startups, Small, and Medium Organizations

Start today

A Little Bamboo Can Go a Long Way.

“Keeping it simple” has been the goal of our solutions. Dashboards, timelines, reports, pert charts, workflows, and KanBan apps replace the complicated collection and summation of information behind the scenes. What would take a week or more to do in the past, now can be done in less than an hour and often with a simple click of icon on a screen.  Each employees has control role based information at their finger tips keeping the entire organization on the same page.



At Bamboo Technologies, we offer enterprise software to startup and small businesses allowing the educations and implementation of standard business practices removing the costly pain of future migrations. We offer an entire integrated suite of applications and services to allow your organization to work together seamlessly and without limitations across the county, State, Country or Globe. Let us demonstrate how your new solution will out perform the top licensed ERP solutions and with the satisfaction ranking in the top of all enterprise solutions.

More then 10,000 Installations world wide

Above The ERP Crowd


Ease Of Use Design

Top 5 Ranking

Year After Year


Improve your quality of life.
Take the time you spend finding information, researching, retaining business, calling for reports, Employee retention, meetings, and take it all back.

Now you have time to
build your next big dream.


Financial Stability.
Know your business now and into the future. Our ERP brings the ability to know the true cost of operation and products. This creates the financial security of knowing you in your business to standout.

It is all here, In One Place!

Customer Experience

It is true, a customer who buys three
times from you is 80% more likely to stay.
It is also true that a customer who can find what they want and know when they will receive it will buy and come back to buy again and again.

Keep your customers close and secure.

Continuous Improvement

We know your company will change to meet the demands of tomorrow. We provide process improvement, workflow design, business development services to support you where ever your
journey will take you.

It is all about confidence that you have a partner with Bamboo Technologies that supports you no matter what your challenges may be.

Vendor Exprience

When you are able to show your vendors that you plan to increase their business, they will ask how they
can help improve yours.

Bring your supply chain into full view. Partner with your suppliers
with confidence.

Secure Happiness

Secure your company. One of the major values of ERP is the fact that you will secure your business digital presence. This allows you to test, analyze, evaluate
risk and take action.

Reduce risk caused by multiple tools and software vendors and
have it all, In One Place..

Grow Your Business

See the forest through the trees.
When you can see how the details build the big picture, you know where you are going and you can build and grow.
Bamboo provides the big picture with the details and the ability to model and plan for the future.

Analytics are not just numbers,
they are unrealized revenue.

Employee Satisfaction

The progress principle tells us that it is human nature to want to be successful. Help your employees join in the cause of why your company exists and you build loyalty and value.

Add the power for your employees to control their work outcome and
you bring retention.


Direct From Our Newsroom Floor

Across The United States, Small Business Growth Up 12.2% Since 2017

Over the past 5 years, small business has made and impressive growth rate of 12.2%. The United States is recognizing increased innovation and much of it is coming right out of the small business sector. In all cases mentioned in the following SBA publication, Small Business are investing in software technology knowing that their business…

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Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

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MON-FRI 9:00 – 5:00 PM MT USA


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MON-SUN 24×7