Enterprise Solutions Case Study #x: Garam Matka

Garam Matka, the maker of organic globally recognized teas and coffees, is known for exceptionally unique beverages and treats throughout the world.

Based on the concept of originality and the pure essence of taste, Garam Matka set out to provide affordable delicious beverages across India and throughout the world. With expansive success, demographic complications increased as the business transformed into more than 20 locations. Realizing the immediate need to support continued growth, the company quickly researched enterprise solutions finding them difficult to understand and at unrealistic costs. There was no time to waste. A solution had to be found or business would be negatively impacted.

Garam Matka contacted the Bamboo Technologies organization. Utilizing the complementary discovery, the company was able to quickly form a plan to bring Bamboo Technologies Enterprise Solutions online in record time removing costly delays.

Implementing Bamboo Enterprise Solutions replaced the breakdown in communications, logistics and production with dynamically accessible information across all locations and all devices.


  • Details and summaries supported at all organizational levels as desired
  • Reduced overhead operations, third party services, additional headcounts, expensive logistic failures
  • Replaced cumbersome practices with Bamboo Enterprise Solutions with funded being accomplished through realized cost savings

Keys of Success:

  • Bamboo complementary “No Time to Waste” discovery laid out the plan
  • Garam Matka, running in 30 days, was fully implemented in 6 months